
XANA ABREU (n. 1975)
Acrílico sobre tela
Dim. aprox.: 50 x 70 cm.

Sobre a obra: "Xana Abreu sempre trabalhou com e para as crianças, uma das suas maiores fontes de inspiração. Dedicou-lhes muito do seu tempo e elas sempre retribuíram o seu afeto com energia, alegria e verdade. Nestes tempos difíceis que todos enfrentamos, muito particularmente para as pessoas com deficiência motora, o riso de uma criança pode ser uma luz que nos ajude a ver a vida de outra forma. Nesta tela de 50x70cm pintada a acrílico, Xana Abreu pretendeu pintar a essência da felicidade na expressão de uma criança que solta uma gargalhada que, com imaginação, conseguimos ouvir, sentindo o nosso coração encher-se de amor."

Vivemos tempos difíceis e, mais do que nunca, a Associação Salvador precisa do apoio de todos. Infelizmente, a propagação do vírus e o confinamento social alargado a toda a população, vieram acentuar ainda mais o isolamento das pessoas com deficiência que, hoje, se vêem muitas vezes sem assistência, presos em casa e sem acesso a necessidades básicas. Uma população de risco que, nesta fase conturbada, necessita do apoio e envolvimento de todos. Denominada de "Quarentena Solidária", esta iniciativa pretende angariar fundos para o apoio a pessoas com deficiência motora que, nesta fase difícil provocada pela pandemia COVID-19, se encontram em situações mais frágeis e vulneráveis. O resultado desta angariação de fundos, será aplicado na sua totalidade, no apoio ao domicilio e na aquisição de bens de primeira necessidade e medicamentos, bem como na atribuição de rampas, plataformas elevatórias ou outro tipo de equipamentos que permitam quebrar o isolamento permanente destas pessoas, oferecendo-lhes uma melhor qualidade de vida. Ao longo de 16 anos, já apoiámos mais de 3.400 pessoas, através de obras em casa, integração profissional, desporto adaptado, entre outros projetos. Temos também realizado um trabalho intenso de sensibilização em escolas para uma sociedade mais inclusiva e junto da sociedade em geral, fazendo pressão para mudanças efetivas nas acessibilidades do nosso país. Em 2020, conscientes de que o desafio está a ser ainda maior, queremos fazer mais e melhor.
Salvador Mendes de Almeida
Presidente e Fundador da Associação Salvador

  • Xana Abreu nasceu em Lisboa em 1975. Estudou na Escola de Artes António Arroio e na Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa. Fez exposições em 1995/1996, mas a música e o vídeo tornaram-se as suas principais ocupações durante muitos anos. Apesar de ter continuado a trabalhar nas artes plásticas em privado, apenas recomeçou a expor publicamente em 2017. Das várias exposições feitas desde então, destaca-se a sua exposição a solo no Museu CEART, em Fuenlabrada, Madrid, em 2020. Tem participado em feiras de arte internacionais e em exposições a solo e de grupo em galerias dentro e fora de Portugal, como África do Sul, Espanha, França e Países Baixos. Recebeu o International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci, entregue em Florença, Itália.

    Xana Abreu was born in Lisbon in 1975. He studied at the António Arroio School of Arts and at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon. He held exhibitions in 1995/1996, but music and video became his main occupations for many years. Despite having continued to work in the plastic arts in private, he only started exhibiting publicly in 2017. Of the various exhibitions since then, his solo exhibition at the CEART Museum, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, in 2020 stands out. He has participated in international art fairs and solo and group exhibitions in galleries inside and outside Portugal, such as South Africa, Spain, France and the Netherlands. Received the International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci, delivered in Florence, Italy.
  • Condition:
  • XANA ABREU (b. 1975)
    Acrylic on canvas
    Signed by Dim. approx .: 50 x 70 cm.

    About the work: "Xana Abreu has always worked with and for children, one of her greatest sources of inspiration. She devoted a lot of her time and they always returned her affection with energy, joy and truth. In these difficult times that we all face, particularly for people with motor disabilities, a child's laughter can be a light that helps us to see life in a different way. acrylic, Xana Abreu intended to paint the essence of happiness in the expression of a child who lets out a laugh that, with imagination, we can hear, feeling our hearts fill with love. "

    We live in difficult times and, more than ever, Associação Salvador needs everyone's support. Unfortunately, the spread of the virus and extended social confinement to the entire population, have further accentuated the isolation of people with disabilities who, today, often find themselves without assistance, trapped at home and without access to basic needs. A population at risk that, in this troubled phase, needs the support and involvement of all. Named "Solidarity Quarantine", this initiative aims to raise funds to support people with motor disabilities who, in this difficult phase caused by the pandemic COVID-19, are in more fragile and vulnerable situations. The result of this fundraising will be applied in its entirety, in home support and in the purchase of basic necessities and medicines, as well as in the assignment of ramps, elevating platforms or other types of equipment that allow to break the permanent isolation of these people, offering them a better quality of life. Over 16 years, we have already supported more than 3,400 people, through works at home, professional integration, adapted sports, among other projects. We have also carried out an intense work of raising awareness in schools for a more inclusive society and with society in general, putting pressure for effective changes in the accessibility of our country. In 2020, aware that the challenge is even greater, we want to do more and better.
    Salvador Mendes de Almeida
    President and Founder of Associação Salvador
    lifting platforms or other types of equipment that can break the permanent isolation of these people, offering them a better quality of life. Over 16 years, we have supported more than 3,400 people, through works at home, professional integration, adapted sports, among other projects. We have also carried out an intense work of raising awareness in schools for a more inclusive society and with society in general, putting pressure for effective changes in the accessibility of our country. In 2020, aware that the challenge is even greater, we want to do more and better.
    Salvador Mendes de Almeida
    President and Founder of Associação Salvador
    lifting platforms or other types of equipment that can break the permanent isolation of these people, offering them a better quality of life. Over 16 years, we have already supported more than 3,400 people, through works at home, professional integration, adapted sports, among other projects. We have also carried out an intense work of raising awareness in schools for a more inclusive society and with society in general, putting pressure for effective changes in the accessibility of our country. In 2020, aware that the challenge is even greater, we want to do more and better.
    Salvador Mendes de Almeida
    President and Founder of Associação Salvador
    through works at home, professional integration, adapted sports, among other projects. We have also carried out an intense work of raising awareness in schools for a more inclusive society and with society in general, putting pressure for effective changes in the accessibility of our country. In 2020, aware that the challenge is even greater, we want to do more and better.
    Salvador Mendes de Almeida
    President and Founder of Associação Salvador
    through works at home, professional integration, adapted sports, among other projects. We have also carried out an intense work of raising awareness in schools for a more inclusive society and with society in general, putting pressure for effective changes in the accessibility of our country. In 2020, aware that the challenge is even greater, we want to do more and better.
    Salvador Mendes de Almeida
    President and Founder of Associação Salvador

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Este é um Leilão Solidário, nenhuma comissão será aplicada.
This is a Solidarity Auction so no comission will apply.

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Nota: Catalogação, estados de conservação e fotografias das obras, da responsabilidade da Associação Salvador. As obras deste leilão não se encontram nas instalações do PCV.

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
€0 €49 €5
€50 €99 €10
€100 €399 €20
€400 €999 €50
€1,000 €4,999 €200
€5,000 €9,999 €500
€10,000 €19,999 €1,000
€20,000 €49,999 €2,000
€50,000 €99,999 €5,000
€100,000 + €10,000