
Par de floreiras com base amovível em porcelana da Vista Alegre. Decoração em tons de azul e dourado com motivos florais e arranjos de flores. Marcado. Sinais de uso, gastos, defeitos e marca raspada. (2)
Alt. aprox. máx.: 24 cm.

  • Colecção Almirante Fausto Brito e Abreu
  • Notes:
  • Pair of flowerpots with removable porcelain base from Vista Alegre. Decoration in shades of blue and gold with floral motifs and flower arrangements. Marked. Signs of use, wear, defects, and scraped brand. (2)
    Approx. max height: 24 cm.

    Pair of flowerpots with removable porcelain base from Vista Alegre. Decoration in shades of blue and gold with floral motifs and flower arrangements. Marked. Signs of use, wear, defects, and scraped brand. (2)
    Approx. max height: 24 cm.

    Vista Alegre瓷器底座可拆卸的一对花盆。蓝色和金色的装饰,带有花卉和花束的图案。有标记。有使用痕迹、磨损、瑕疵和刮痕。(2)

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O Palácio do Correio Velho através do nosso site irá colocá-lo em contacto com os nossos parceiros de transporte para obter um orçamento ou, em alternativa, poderá também providenciar o seu próprio transporte / transportadora para a recolha dos seus lotes.

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After the purchase, and to avoid storage costs, the objects must be collected at the facilities of Palácio do Correio Velho within 10 (ten) working days, counting from the auction date.

Palácio do Correio Velho will put you in contact with our Shipping partners in order to get a quote, or alternativley you can also arrange your own transportation / shippin company to pick up your lots.

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March 25, 2024 7:00 PM WET
Lisboa, Portugal

Palácio do Correio Velho

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
€0 €49 €5
€50 €99 €10
€100 €399 €20
€400 €999 €50
€1,000 €4,999 €200
€5,000 €9,999 €500
€10,000 €19,999 €1,000
€20,000 €49,999 €2,000
€50,000 €99,999 €5,000
€100,000 + €10,000