
Jesus Cristo Jansenista, escultura europeia em marfim do séc. XVIII. A figura está representada em agonia, com os pés justapostos. Cruz em pau-santo e base em madeira entalhada e pintada, simulando rochedos (adaptadas). Com coroa, resplendor e cravos em metal. Falta de 3 dedos na mão direita e um dedo partido e colado. Cendal partido e colado. Um dos pés, consolidado. Cruz e base com faltas e falhas.
Alt. aprox.: (escultura) 29 cm.; Alt. total aprox.: 80 cm.

Esta peça pertenceu à Capela do Palácio Palmela, Rato.

  • Duques de Palmela até 1969. Marqueses de Monfalim

    Dukes of Palmela until 1969. Marqueses of Monfalim
  • Condition:
  • Jesus Christ Jansenist, European sculpture in ivory from the 18th Century. The figure is represented in agony, with the feet juxtaposed. Cross in rosewood and base in carved and painted wood, simulating rocks (adapted). With metal crown, splendor and studs. Missing 3 fingers on the right hand and a broken and glued finger. Cendal broken and glued. One of the feet, consolidated. Cross and base with faults and flaws.
    Height approx.: (sculpture) 29 cm.; Height total approx.: 80 cm.

    This piece belonged to the Chapel of Palácio Palmela, Rato.

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
€0 €49 €5
€50 €99 €10
€100 €399 €20
€400 €999 €50
€1,000 €4,999 €200
€5,000 €9,999 €500
€10,000 €19,999 €1,000
€20,000 €49,999 €2,000
€50,000 €99,999 €5,000
€100,000 + €10,000