
Dom Sancho II, Dinheiro, Bolhão
Legenda anverso: REX SANCIVS Legenda reverso: PO RT VG AL
Estado de conservação: Bem Conservada (+)
Peso aproximado: 0,77 g.
Catálogo Alberto Gomes 25.02

  • Colecção Dr. José Ricardo Marques da Costa
  • Notes:
  • Dom Sancho II, Dinheiro, Bolhão
    Obverse legend: REX SANCIVS Reverse legend: PO RT VG AL
    Conservation status: Well preserved (+)
    Approximate weight: 0.77 g.
    Catalogue Alberto Gomes 25.02

    Dom Sancho II, Argent, Bolhão
    Légende avers: REX SANCIVS Légende revers: PO RT VG AL
    État de conservation: Bien conservée (+)
    Poids approximatif: 0,77 g.
    Catalogue Alberto Gomes 25.02

    正面说明:REX SANCIVS 反面说明:PO RT VG AL
    目录阿尔贝托·戈麦斯 25.02

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€0 €49 €5
€50 €99 €10
€100 €399 €20
€400 €999 €50
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€50,000 €99,999 €5,000
€100,000 + €10,000