
Dom Afonso V, Ceitil (1/6 de Real Branco), P, Porto, Escassa, Cobre
Legenda anverso: + ALFQ : R€IS : POR[TUGAL]
Legenda reverso: [: ADIUTOR : M€US :} D€US
Estado de conservação: Bem Conservada (+)
Peso aproximado: 1,66 g
Catálogo Alberto Gomes: 09.02; Catálogo Francisco Magro 4.1.2 (Torres com torrões de seteiras oblongas e 3 ameias em flecha, torres laterais iguais com 2 corpos retangulares, escudo do 4º tipo ou variante, mar de ondas contínuas)

  • Dom Afonso V, Ceitil (1/6 of Real Branco), P, Porto, Scarce, Copper
    Obverse legend: + ALFQ : R€IS : PORTUGAL
    Reverse legend: [: MY HELPER : MY GOD
    Conservation status: Well Preserved (+)
    Approximate weight: 1.66 g
    Alberto Gomes Catalogue: 09.02; Francisco Magro Catalogue 4.1.2 (Towers with oblong arrow loops and 3 arrow embrasures, identical side towers with 2 rectangular bodies, shield of the 4th type or variant, sea of continuous waves)

    Dom Afonso V, Ceitil (1/6 de Real Branco), P, Porto, Escassa, Cuivre
    Légende avers : + ALFQ : R€IS : POR[TUGAL]
    Légende revers : [: ADIUTOR : M€US :} D€US
    État de conservation : Bien conservée (+)
    Poids approximatif : 1,66 g
    Catalogue Alberto Gomes : 09.02 ; Catalogue Francisco Magro 4.1.2 (Tours avec créneaux oblongs et 3 mâchicoulis en flèche, tours latérales identiques avec 2 corps rectangulaires, écu du 4ème type ou variante, mer d'ondes continues)


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April 29, 2024 7:00 PM WEST
Lisboa, Portugal

Palácio do Correio Velho

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
€0 €49 €5
€50 €99 €10
€100 €399 €20
€400 €999 €50
€1,000 €1,999 €100
€2,000 €4,999 €200
€5,000 €9,999 €500
€10,000 €19,999 €1,000
€20,000 €49,999 €2,000
€50,000 €99,999 €5,000
€100,000 + €10,000