
Ricardo ANGELICO (1973)
“ANNE HATHAWAY AS ANNE ELLIOT (casting the London season)
Acrílico sobre tela
Assinado e datado de 2018
Dim. aprox.: 82 x 62 cm; Dim. aprox. total: 86 x 66 cm.

Verso assinado e datado com detalhes sobre a obra, 2018. Certificado assinado pelo artista.

    Artist Name:
  • Ricardo ANGELICO (1973)
  • Medium:
  • Acrílico sobre tela
  • Notes:
  • Ricardo ANGELICO (1973)
    “ANNE HATHAWAY AS ANNE ELLIOT (casting the London season)
    Acrylic on canvas
    Signed and dated 2018
    Approx. dimensions: 82 x 62 cm; Approx. total dimensions: 86 x 66 cm.

    Signed and dated verso with details about the artwork, 2018. Certificate signed by the artist.

    Ricardo ANGELICO (1973)
    “ANNE HATHAWAY EN TANT QU'ANNE ELLIOT (distribution de la saison londonienne)
    Acrylique sur toile
    Signé et daté 2018
    Dimensions approximatives : 82 x 62 cm ; Dimensions totales approximatives : 86 x 66 cm.

    Signé et daté au verso avec des détails sur l'œuvre, 2018. Certificat signé par l'artiste.

    大约尺寸:82 x 62 厘米;大约总尺寸:86 x 66 厘米。


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May 20, 2024 7:00 PM WEST
LISBOA, Portugal

Palácio do Correio Velho

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